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Tag: garage door repair mansfield tx

How To Change Garage Door Weather Seal – Garage Door Experts of Mansfield

Updating the weather seal on your Garage Door Repair Mansfield TX is a practical and rewarding DIY project that can enhance energy efficiency and protect your garage from the elements.

Follow this comprehensive guide for a step-by-step walkthrough, ensuring a seamless replacement process.

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. New Weather Seal: Ensure it matches the dimensions of your garage door.
  2. Tape Measure: For accurate measurements.
  3. Hacksaw: To cut the weather seal to the correct size.
  4. Flathead Screwdriver: For removing the old seal.
  5. Soapy Water: To clean the door and aid installation.

: Measure Your Garage Door

Begin by measuring the width and height of your garage door. Measure both the bottom and top as these dimensions may differ. Record these measurements as they will guide your purchase of the new weather seal.

: Purchase the Right Seal

With measurements in hand, head to your local hardware store. Choose a weather seal that matches the dimensions you recorded. It’s crucial to get the right size for a snug fit and effective sealing.

: Prepare the Door

Fully open the garage door and disconnect the power to the automatic garage door opener. Safety is paramount during this project, so ensure the power is off before proceeding.

: Remove the Old Seal

Utilize a flathead screwdriver to carefully pry off the old weather seal. Start at one end and work your way across. Take your time, as the old seal may be secured with screws or nails. Remove any fasteners as you go to keep the area clean.

: Clean the Area

Once the old seal is removed, clean the bottom of the garage door. Use soapy water to eliminate any dirt, debris, or adhesive left by the old seal. A clean surface ensures a better bond for the new seal.

6: Cut the New Seal

Unroll the new weather seal and use a hacksaw to cut it to match the width of your garage door. Ensure a clean, straight cut for a professional finish. Precision in cutting is essential for a proper fit.

: Install the New Seal

Starting at one end, press the new weather seal into the track on the bottom of the garage door. Ensure it is centered and spans the full width of the door. You may need to apply some pressure to secure it in place. Work your way across the door until the entire seal is installed.

: Secure the Seal

If your new weather seal comes with screws or nails, use them to secure it in place. Ensure even spacing and tight securing along the entire length. This step contributes to the longevity and effectiveness of the seal.

: Test the Door

Open and close the garage door multiple times to verify the proper installation of the new weather seal. Confirm that it does not impede the door’s movement and forms a secure seal against the garage floor.

: Reconnect the Power

If you disconnected the power to the automatic garage door opener, now is the time to reconnect it. Test the door again to ensure everything is working correctly with the new weather seal in place.

: Final Check

Conduct a final inspection of your newly installed weather seal. Ensure it sits snug against the garage floor, creating a seamless barrier against drafts, water, and pests. This thorough check ensures the effectiveness of the replacement.

You have successfully replaced your Garage Door Repair Mansfield TX. With the new seal in place, you can enjoy improved energy efficiency and enhanced protection for your garage.

Mansfield Overhead & Garage Doors

2151 N Holland Rd, Mansfield, TX 76063, United States


How To Keep Mice Out Of Garage Door – Garage Door Experts of Mansfield

Keeping mice out of your Garage Door Repair Mansfield TX is crucial to maintaining a clean and pest-free space. These furry intruders can cause damage to belongings, leave unsightly droppings, and pose health risks.

Fortunately, with a combination of preventive measures and strategic solutions, you can create an environment that discourages mice from making your garage their home.

  1. Seal Entry Points: The first line of defense is to seal any potential entry points. Mice can squeeze through surprisingly small openings, so inspect your garage for gaps around doors, windows, and vents. Use weather stripping, door sweeps, and sealant to close these gaps and prevent easy access.
  2. Check Garage Door Seals: Garage doors are common entry points for mice. Inspect the rubber seals along the bottom of the garage door for wear and tear. If damaged, replace them promptly to ensure a tight seal. Installing a garage door threshold can also provide an additional barrier.
  3. Maintain a Clean Environment: Mice are attracted to food sources and nesting materials. Keep your garage clean and organized to eliminate potential attractions. Store food items in sealed containers, and promptly clean up any spills. Regularly dispose of cardboard boxes, as mice love nesting in them.
  4. Use Mouse Repellents: Natural repellents such as peppermint oil, cloves, and mothballs can be effective in deterring mice. Place these items strategically around the garage, especially near potential entry points. Consider using commercial mouse repellent products, but be cautious with their placement, particularly if you have pets or small children.
  5. Set Traps: Traps are a classic and effective method for catching mice. Place them in areas where you suspect mouse activity, such as along walls and near food storage. Choose from snap traps, electronic traps, or humane traps, depending on your preferences and ethical considerations.
  6. Regular Inspections: Conduct regular inspections of your garage to identify signs of mice early on. Look for droppings, gnaw marks, or shredded materials. If you notice any signs, take immediate action to address the issue before it escalates.
  7. Install Motion-Activated Lights: Mice prefer dark and quiet spaces. Installing motion-activated lights can make your garage less appealing by disrupting their preferred environment. The sudden illumination may startle them, encouraging them to seek shelter elsewhere.
  8. Consider a Cat: Cats are natural predators of mice. If you’re an animal lover and can commit to caring for a pet, consider adopting a cat. Their presence alone can be a deterrent, and their hunting instincts can help control the mouse population.
  9. Secure Garbage Bins: Mice are attracted to food waste. Ensure that your garbage bins are secure and that lids are tightly closed. If possible, keep garbage bins outside the garage to minimize the risk of attracting mice.
  10. Professional Pest Control: If your mouse problem persists despite your efforts, consider hiring a professional pest control service. They can assess the situation, identify the root cause, and implement effective solutions tailored to your specific needs.

By implementing these comprehensive measures, you can create an environment that is less hospitable to mice, reducing the likelihood of infestations in your Garage Door Repair Mansfield TX. Regular maintenance and vigilance are key to ensuring a mouse-free space.

Mansfield Overhead & Garage Doors

2151 N Holland Rd, Mansfield, TX 76063, United States


Garage Door Maintenance Contracts: Are They Worth It? – Mansfield Overhead & Garage Doors

As a homeowner who relies on my garage door daily, I’ve come to appreciate its role in providing security, convenience, and protection for my vehicles and belongings. Like any other mechanical system, garage doors require regular maintenance to ensure they function smoothly and safely. One option that often comes up for homeowners is the idea of a garage door maintenance contract.

By following Garage Door Repair Mansfield TX, I’ll share my insights on the topic and help you decide if a garage door maintenance contract is worth the investment.

The Importance of Garage Door Maintenance

Before delving into the merits of maintenance contracts, it’s crucial to understand why garage door maintenance matters:

1. Safety: Garage doors are heavy and can pose serious safety risks if they malfunction. Regular maintenance helps identify and address safety issues promptly.

2. Longevity: Well-maintained garage doors tend to last longer, saving you money in the long run by delaying the need for costly replacements.

3. Convenience: A smoothly functioning garage door provides daily convenience, preventing unexpected breakdowns and disruptions.

4. Security: A properly maintained garage door is an essential part of your home’s security system, deterring potential intruders.

5. Energy Efficiency: An insulated garage door that is well-maintained can contribute to energy savings by regulating temperature and reducing drafts.

What Is a Garage Door Maintenance Contract?

A garage door maintenance contract, also known as a service agreement or preventive maintenance plan, is an arrangement between a homeowner and a professional garage door service provider. It typically involves regular scheduled maintenance visits to inspect, service, and potentially repair your garage door system. These contracts can vary in terms of frequency, services included, and duration.

Pros of Garage Door Maintenance Contracts:

Now, let’s explore the potential benefits of opting for a garage door maintenance contract:

1. Regularity: Maintenance contracts establish a set schedule for servicing your garage door. This ensures that maintenance is not overlooked or delayed, as can happen with sporadic DIY efforts.

2. Expertise: Professionals with specialized knowledge and experience handle the maintenance tasks. They can identify issues that may go unnoticed by homeowners.

3. Early Issue Detection: Regular maintenance visits can catch small problems before they escalate into costly repairs. This proactive approach can save you money in the long term.

4. Convenience: With a maintenance contract, you don’t have to remember when it’s time to service your garage door; the service provider will handle scheduling for you.

5. Priority Service: Many maintenance contracts come with priority service, meaning you’ll get prompt attention if you experience an unexpected garage door issue.

6. Extends Lifespan: Proper maintenance can extend the life of your garage door, potentially delaying the need for a costly replacement.

7. Warranty Maintenance: If your garage door is under warranty, a maintenance contract may be a requirement to keep the warranty valid. Missing scheduled maintenance can void warranties.

Cons of Garage Door Maintenance Contracts:

While there are clear advantages, it’s essential to consider the potential drawbacks of garage door maintenance contracts:

1. Cost: Maintenance contracts involve a recurring expense. You’ll need to weigh the cost against the potential savings from avoiding major repairs.

2. Limited Coverage: Some contracts may have limitations on the services covered or specific exclusions. Be sure to understand what’s included and what’s not.

3. DIY Option: Some homeowners may prefer to perform basic maintenance tasks themselves, saving on contract costs. However, this approach may not provide the same level of expertise and thoroughness.

4. Contract Length: Maintenance contracts typically come with a set duration. If you decide to terminate the contract prematurely, there may be fees or penalties.

5. Quality of Service: The effectiveness of a maintenance contract largely depends on the professionalism and reliability of the service provider. Choosing the right provider is crucial.

Evaluating the Worth of a Garage Door Maintenance Contract

To determine if a garage door maintenance contract is worth it for you, consider the following factors:

1. Your Garage Door’s Age: Older garage doors may benefit more from regular maintenance to extend their lifespan. Newer doors may require less frequent attention.

2. Your DIY Abilities: If you’re confident in your ability to perform basic maintenance tasks and inspections, you might opt for a DIY approach and skip the contract.

3. Warranty Requirements: If your garage door is still under warranty, review the warranty terms to see if maintenance is a requirement. If so, a contract may be your best option.

4. Your Budget: Evaluate your budget and weigh the cost of the contract against potential savings and peace of mind.

5. Local Climate: If you live in an area with extreme weather conditions, such as harsh winters or intense heat, your garage door may require more frequent maintenance to withstand the elements.

6. Long-Term Plans: Consider your long-term plans for your home. If you plan to stay in your current residence for many years, investing in a maintenance contract may be more appealing.

7. Service Provider Reputation: Research and choose a reputable garage door service provider. Reading reviews and seeking recommendations can help you make an informed decision.

Conclusion: Making an Informed Decision

Ultimately, the decision to invest in a garage door maintenance contract should align with your specific needs, budget, and preferences. Regular maintenance is essential for the safety, longevity, and functionality of your garage door. A maintenance contract can provide peace of mind, convenience, and early issue detection.

If you’re unsure whether a contract is worth it, you can start by scheduling a one-time professional inspection and discussing your garage door’s condition and maintenance needs. This can help you make an informed decision based on your garage door’s current state and your long-term plans for your home.

In the end, as per Garage Door Repair Mansfield TX, whether you choose a maintenance contract or opt for a DIY approach, the key is to prioritize regular garage door maintenance to ensure it continues to serve you reliably and safely for years to come.

Mansfield Overhead & Garage Doors

2151 N Holland Rd, Mansfield, TX 76063, United States


How To Build A Swing Out Garage Door – Garage Door Experts of Mansfield

Building a swing-out Garage Door Repair Mansfield TX can be a challenging but rewarding DIY project.

A swing-out garage door is a traditional design that adds character and functionality to your garage. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process step by step, providing detailed instructions and tips along the way.

: Gather Materials and Tools

Before you start building your swing-out garage door, gather all the necessary materials and tools. Here’s a list of what you’ll need:


  1. Wood: You’ll need sturdy wood boards for the door panels. Choose a durable wood species like cedar, redwood, or hardwood.
  2. Hinges: Heavy-duty gate or barn door hinges with screws.
  3. Latch and Handle: Choose a latch and handle set that suits your design preferences.
  4. Galvanized Screws: For assembling the door frame and attaching the panels.
  5. Wood Glue: To reinforce joints.
  6. Paint or Stain: To protect and finish the wood.
  7. Weatherstripping: To seal the door against the elements.


  1. Circular Saw: For cutting wood boards to size.
  2. Measuring Tape and Square: To ensure accurate measurements and angles.
  3. Drill and Bits: For pre-drilling holes and screwing in screws.
  4. Screwdriver: For tightening screws.
  5. Chisels: For mortising hinge recesses.
  6. Clamps: To hold pieces together while assembling.
  7. Safety Gear: Including safety glasses and hearing protection.

: Take Accurate Measurements

Measure the opening of your garage to determine the size of your door. Ensure that you have enough clearance for the door to swing open without obstruction.

: Design the Door

Sketch out your door design on paper. Consider the style, number of panels, and any decorative elements you want to incorporate. This design will serve as your blueprint.

: Build the Door Frame

Cut the wood pieces for the door frame according to your measurements and design. Assemble the frame using wood glue and galvanized screws, ensuring that it’s square and sturdy. Reinforce the corners with corner brackets if necessary.

: Attach Hinges

Position the hinges on the frame, making sure they are evenly spaced. Pre-drill holes for the screws and attach the hinges securely using screws. It’s crucial to align the hinges accurately to ensure smooth swinging motion.

: Build and Attach Door Panels

Cut the wood boards for the door panels according to your design. Attach the panels to the frame using wood glue and screws. Make sure the panels are evenly spaced and level. Use clamps to hold them in place while attaching.

: Mortise Hinge Recesses

Using chisels, create recesses in the door frame where the hinges will sit. This ensures the hinges are flush with the frame, allowing the door to swing freely.

: Install Latch and Handle

Position the latch and handle on the door according to your design. Drill pilot holes and secure them in place with screws.

: Finish the Door

Sand the door to smooth any rough edges or surfaces. Apply paint or stain to protect the wood from the elements and enhance its appearance. Allow it to dry thoroughly.

: Weatherstripping

To ensure a tight seal, attach weatherstripping along the edges of the door where it meets the garage opening. This will help keep out drafts, moisture, and debris.

: Hang the Door

With the help of a friend or family member, hang the door on the hinges attached to the garage frame. Ensure it swings smoothly and securely latches when closed.

: Test and Adjust

Test the door multiple times to ensure it opens and closes smoothly without any issues. Make any necessary adjustments to the hinges or latch for a perfect fit.

Building a swing-out Garage Door Repair Mansfield TX is a challenging project, but with the right materials, tools, and careful planning, you can create a functional and attractive addition to your home. Be patient, take your time, and prioritize safety throughout the process, and you’ll enjoy the benefits of your handmade garage door for years to come.

Mansfield Overhead & Garage Doors

2151 N Holland Rd, Mansfield, TX 76063, United States


What Size Torsion Spring For 16×7 Garage Door – Garage Door Experts of Mansfield

Selecting the right size torsion spring for a 16×7 Garage Door Experts of Mansfield is a critical aspect of ensuring the proper functioning and safety of the door. Torsion springs play a vital role in counterbalancing the weight of the garage door, making it easier to open and close. The size of the torsion spring is determined by factors such as the door’s weight, height, track radius, and the intended cycle life of the spring.

In this essay, we will delve into the considerations involved in choosing the correct size torsion spring for a 16×7 garage door, emphasizing the importance of safety and performance.

Garage Door Basics:

Before discussing torsion spring sizing, it’s crucial to understand the basics of a garage door system. A standard residential garage door is usually made of steel or wood and can vary in dimensions. The numbers “16×7” refer to the width and height of the door in feet, respectively. The “16” signifies the door’s width, which is 16 feet, and the “7” represents its height, which is 7 feet.

Weight and Balance:

One of the primary factors influencing torsion spring size is the weight of the garage door. The weight of the door is determined by its material, size, and any added insulation or hardware. A 16×7 garage door can weigh anywhere from 150 to 400 pounds or more, depending on these factors. Torsion springs are engineered to counterbalance this weight, making it possible to manually lift the door with minimal effort and allowing the door opener to operate smoothly.

Calculating Torsion Spring Size:

To select the appropriate torsion spring size, various calculations need to be performed. The torque required to counterbalance the weight of the door is calculated using the formula:

Torque = (Door Weight / 2) x (Radius + 1)

Here, the “Radius” refers to the distance from the center of the torsion shaft to the center of the cable drums. The “+1” accounts for additional torque needed to overcome friction and ensure proper performance. The calculated torque value helps determine the appropriate spring size.

Cycle Life:

Another essential consideration is the cycle life of the torsion spring. The cycle life indicates how many open and close cycles the spring can endure before experiencing a significant reduction in performance. Springs with higher cycle lives are generally more durable but may require larger sizes to accommodate the additional coils.

Safety Concerns:

Selecting the wrong size torsion spring can lead to safety hazards. An undersized spring might not provide enough counterbalance, leading to difficulty in lifting the door and potential strain on the garage door opener. On the other hand, an oversized spring can exert excessive force, putting stress on other components and jeopardizing safety.

Professional Guidance:

Given the complexity and safety implications of selecting the right torsion spring size, it is recommended to consult a professional garage door technician. These experts have the knowledge and experience to accurately calculate the appropriate spring size based on the specific door’s weight, height, track configuration, and intended usage.

In conclusion, choosing the correct size torsion spring for a 16×7 Garage Door Experts of Mansfield is a multifaceted process that requires careful consideration of factors such as door weight, balance, torque calculations, cycle life, and safety concerns. An accurately sized torsion spring is essential for smooth door operation, minimizing wear and tear, and ensuring the safety of users. To make an informed decision, it’s advisable to seek the expertise of a professional garage door technician who can provide tailored recommendations based on the door’s specifications and usage requirements.

Garage Door Experts of Mansfield

209 Main, Mansfield, TX 76063


Where to Buy Liftmaster Garage Door Opener Parts-Squeaky Window Cleaning of Mansfield

LiftMaster is a popular brand that manufactures Garage Door Repair Mansfield TX openers and related parts. If you’re looking to buy LiftMaster garage door opener parts, there are several options available to you.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the best places to buy LiftMaster garage door opener parts, along with tips on how to make sure you’re getting the right parts for your specific model.

  1. LiftMaster Website

One of the most reliable sources for LiftMaster garage door opener parts is the LiftMaster website itself. The website offers a wide range of replacement parts for various models of LiftMaster garage door openers, including remote controls, safety sensors, circuit boards, gears, and more. You can search for the specific part you need by using the model number of your LiftMaster garage door opener.

When you buy LiftMaster garage door opener parts from the LiftMaster website, you can be sure that you’re getting genuine parts that are designed to work with your specific model of garage door opener. Additionally, the website offers detailed installation instructions and videos, which can be helpful if you’re planning to install the part yourself.

  1. Amazon

Another popular option for buying LiftMaster garage door opener parts is Amazon. Amazon offers a wide range of replacement parts for LiftMaster garage door openers, including both genuine LiftMaster parts and third-party parts that are compatible with LiftMaster models.

When you buy LiftMaster garage door opener parts on Amazon, it’s important to make sure that you’re getting the right part for your specific model of LiftMaster garage door opener. Be sure to check the product description and customer reviews to ensure that the part you’re buying is compatible with your garage door opener.

  1. Home Depot

Home Depot is another option for buying LiftMaster garage door opener parts. Home Depot offers a wide range of replacement parts for LiftMaster garage door openers, including remote controls, safety sensors, gears, and more.

When you buy LiftMaster garage door opener parts at Home Depot, you can often take advantage of in-store pickup or free shipping, which can be convenient if you need the part quickly. Be sure to check the product description and customer reviews to ensure that the part you’re buying is compatible with your garage door opener.

  1. Garage Door Opener Parts Online Retailers

There are several online retailers that specialize in selling replacement parts for garage door openers, including LiftMaster garage door openers. These retailers offer a wide range of replacement parts for various models of LiftMaster garage door openers, including remote controls, safety sensors, gears, and more.

When you buy LiftMaster garage door opener parts from an online retailer, it’s important to make sure that you’re getting the right part for your specific model of LiftMaster garage door opener. Be sure to check the product description and customer reviews to ensure that the part you’re buying is compatible with your garage door opener.

  1. Local Garage Door Repair Companies

Finally, you can also buy LiftMaster garage door opener parts from local garage door repair companies. These companies often carry a range of replacement parts for various models of LiftMaster garage door openers, and can provide advice and guidance on which parts you need for your specific garage door opener.

When you buy LiftMaster garage door opener parts from a local garage door repair company, you can often take advantage of professional installation services, which can be helpful if you’re not comfortable installing the part yourself. Additionally, these companies may be able to provide warranties and guarantees on the parts they sell.

In conclusion, there are several options available to you if you’re looking to buy LiftMaster Garage Door Repair Mansfield TX opener parts. Whether you choose to buy from the LiftMaster website, Amazon, Home Depot, an online retailer, or a local garage door repair company, be sure to check the product description and customer reviews… to ensure that you’re getting the right part for your specific model of LiftMaster garage door opener. It’s also a good idea to compare prices and shipping options to ensure that you’re getting the best deal possible. With the right replacement parts, you can keep your LiftMaster garage door opener running smoothly and reliably for years to come.

Squeaky Window Cleaning of Mansfield

1670 E Broad St #107, Mansfield, TX 76063, United States


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