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Tag: Garage Door Repair Coppell TX

How Do I Get My Garage Door Back On Automatic – Don and Son’s Garage Doors

Getting your Garage Door Repair Coppell TX operation is a common concern for homeowners who may have accidentally switched their garage door opener to manual mode or encountered issues with the automatic operation of their garage door.

Restoring automatic functionality to your garage door involves troubleshooting the underlying issue and taking appropriate steps to resolve it. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore various methods and tips for getting your garage door back on automatic operation, along with troubleshooting steps to address common issues that may interfere with automatic functionality.

  1. Check the Power Source:
    • The first step in restoring automatic operation to your garage door is to ensure that the opener is receiving power. Check the power cord and outlet to verify that they are securely connected and functioning properly. If the opener is plugged into a GFCI outlet, make sure the outlet hasn’t tripped and reset it if necessary.
    • If the opener is hardwired into the electrical system, check the circuit breaker or fuse box to ensure that the breaker hasn’t tripped or the fuse hasn’t blown. Reset the breaker or replace the fuse as needed to restore power to the opener.
  2. Inspect the Garage Door Opener:
    • Next, visually inspect the garage door opener for any signs of damage, wear, or malfunction. Look for loose wires, damaged components, or debris that may be obstructing the operation of the opener. Pay attention to the motor unit, control panel, and safety sensors for any visible issues.
    • If you notice any obvious problems with the opener, such as a broken gear or damaged wiring, you may need to repair or replace the affected components to restore automatic operation. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions or consult a professional technician for guidance on repairing or replacing damaged parts.
  3. Check the Remote Control:
    • If the opener appears to be functioning properly but is not responding to commands from the remote control, check the batteries in the remote to ensure they are not dead or depleted. Replace the batteries with fresh ones and try operating the opener again.
    • If the remote control still doesn’t work, try reprogramming it to the opener according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Follow the steps to synchronize the remote with the opener and test its functionality. If necessary, reset the remote control and reprogram it from scratch to ensure proper communication with the opener.
  4. Test the Wall Control Panel:
    • If the remote control is not working, test the wall control panel located inside the garage. Press the button on the control panel to open or close the garage door manually. If the door responds to commands from the wall control panel but not the remote control, the issue may be with the remote or its programming.
    • If the wall control panel does not operate the garage door either, check the wiring connections and ensure that the control panel is securely mounted to the wall. Replace the control panel if it appears damaged or malfunctioning.
  5. Inspect the Safety Sensors:
    • Garage door openers are equipped with safety sensors located near the bottom of the door tracks on either side. These sensors are designed to detect obstructions in the path of the closing door and prevent accidents or injuries.
    • Check the alignment of the safety sensors and ensure that they are clean and free of debris. Use a soft, dry cloth to wipe away any dirt or debris that may be blocking the sensor’s lens. Adjust the sensor’s position if necessary to ensure proper alignment and functionality.
  6. Test the Safety Reverse Feature:
    • To ensure the safety reverse feature of your garage door opener is functioning correctly, place an object such as a box or piece of wood in the path of the closing door. Press the button on the remote control or wall control panel to close the door and observe its behavior.
    • The door should stop and reverse direction immediately upon contacting the obstruction. If the door does not reverse or if it hesitates before reversing, there may be an issue with the safety sensors or the opener’s settings. Consult the owner’s manual or contact a professional technician for assistance with adjusting the safety settings.
  7. Reset the Opener:
    • If you’ve checked all the components of the garage door opener and are still experiencing issues with automatic operation, try resetting the opener to its factory default settings. Most garage door openers have a reset button or procedure that allows you to restore the opener to its original settings.
    • Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions or owner’s manual for guidance on resetting your specific garage door opener. Follow the instructions carefully to avoid inadvertently erasing important settings or programming.
  8. Contact Professional Assistance:
    • If you’ve exhausted all troubleshooting steps and are still unable to restore automatic operation to your garage door, it may be time to seek professional assistance. Contact a licensed garage door technician or installer to diagnose and repair the issue with your opener.
    • A professional technician will have the knowledge, tools, and expertise to identify the underlying cause of the problem and recommend appropriate solutions. They can also provide routine maintenance services to keep your garage door opener operating smoothly and efficiently.

By following these steps and troubleshooting tips, you can effectively diagnose and address issues preventing your Garage Door Repair Coppell TX. Whether the problem is related to power supply, remote control, safety sensors, or other components, thorough inspection and troubleshooting will help you identify the cause and take appropriate corrective action. If necessary, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance to ensure that your garage door opener is functioning safely and reliably.

Don and Son’s Garage Doors


How To Secure A Garage Door From The Inside – Don and Son’s Garage Doors

Securing a Coppell Garage Door Repair is essential to enhance the overall safety and security of your home.

A well-secured garage can protect your belongings, vehicles, and even provide an additional layer of defense against intruders. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore various strategies to help you secure your garage door from the inside, ensuring peace of mind for you and your family.

1. Reinforce the Door:

  • Begin by inspecting the garage door itself. Ensure that it is in good condition without any visible damage. If there are signs of wear, consider reinforcing weak points or replacing the door with a more robust one.

2. Install a Deadbolt:

  • Add an extra layer of security by installing a deadbolt on the garage door. This is typically done on the interior side of the door and provides additional resistance against forced entry.

3. Secure the Emergency Release:

  • Garage doors usually have an emergency release mechanism, which can be manipulated by burglars. Prevent this by using a zip tie to secure the emergency release lever. Ensure the tie is tight enough to discourage tampering but loose enough for emergency use if needed.

4. Upgrade to a Smart Garage Door Opener:

  • Invest in a smart garage door opener that allows you to monitor and control your garage door remotely through a mobile app. These systems often come with advanced security features, such as real-time alerts and the ability to check the status of your garage door.

5. Reinforce Windows:

  • If your garage door has windows, reinforce them with shatter-resistant film or replace them with reinforced glass. This prevents potential intruders from easily breaking the glass to gain access to the garage.

6. Add Window Coverings:

  • Consider adding window coverings such as blinds or curtains to prevent outsiders from peering into your garage. This not only enhances security but also adds an extra layer of privacy.

7. Install Motion-Activated Lights:

  • Illuminate the exterior of your garage with motion-activated lights. This deters potential intruders by exposing their presence and making your property less appealing as a target.

8. Reinforce the Door Frame:

  • Strengthen the door frame by using a metal plate or angle iron. This adds durability to the frame and makes it more resistant to forced entry attempts.

9. Use Security Cameras:

  • Install security cameras inside the garage to monitor activities. Modern security camera systems provide remote access, allowing you to check the live feed from your smartphone or computer.

10. Secure Garage Windows: – If your garage has separate windows, ensure they are secure. Use window locks, reinforce the glass, or consider installing security bars to prevent unauthorized entry.

11. Padlock Side Doors: – If your garage has a side door, secure it with a heavy-duty padlock. This adds an extra barrier, making it more challenging for intruders to access your garage.

12. Reinforce the Garage Ceiling: – Some intruders may attempt to enter through the garage ceiling. Strengthen the ceiling by adding plywood or reinforcing it with metal bars to make this entry point less vulnerable.

13. Secure Garage Shelving: – Attach heavy garage shelving units to the walls to prevent them from being easily tipped over. This not only secures your belongings but also acts as an obstacle for intruders.

14. Utilize a Garage Door Timer: – Install a timer on your garage door opener to automatically close the door after a specified period. This ensures that the door is not left open unintentionally, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.

15. Educate Family Members: – Ensure that all family members are aware of security measures and the importance of keeping the garage secure. Establish a routine of checking and securing the garage before leaving or going to bed.

16. Neighborhood Watch: – Participate in or establish a neighborhood watch program. Collaborating with neighbors to keep an eye on each other’s properties can enhance overall security in the community.

17. Secure Garage Utilities: – If your garage houses utilities like the water heater or electrical panels, secure them with lockable cabinets to prevent tampering.

18. Reinforce the Garage Door Tracks: – Strengthen the garage door tracks by using C-clamps. This prevents the door from being forced open by securing it to the tracks.

19. Install a Security System: – Consider installing a comprehensive home security system that includes sensors for the garage. This may include door/window sensors, motion detectors, and an audible alarm.

20. Regular Maintenance: – Conduct regular maintenance on your garage door and its components. Lubricate moving parts, tighten screws and bolts, and address any issues promptly to ensure the door operates smoothly and securely.


Securing your Coppell Garage Door Repair involves a combination of practical measures, technological advancements, and vigilant habits. By implementing these strategies, you can significantly enhance the security of your garage and, consequently, your entire home. Regularly assess and update your security measures to adapt to changing circumstances and technologies, ensuring that your garage remains a safe and protected space. Remember, a secure garage contributes to the overall safety and well-being of your household.

Don and Son’s Garage Doors


How Do You Know If Garage Door Spring Is Broken – Coppell Gates & Garage Doors

Recognizing a Garage Door Repair Coppell TX is crucial for the safety and functionality of your garage door. Garage door springs play a vital role in counterbalancing the weight of the door, making it easier to open and close.

When a spring breaks, it can lead to issues such as difficulty in lifting the door, unbalanced operation, or even complete failure. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the signs of a broken garage door spring, the types of springs used, and the steps to safely inspect and address the issue.

Symptoms of a Broken Garage Door Spring:

Recognizing the signs of a broken garage door spring is essential for prompt maintenance. Look out for the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty Lifting the Door: A broken spring makes it challenging to lift the garage door manually. The door may feel unusually heavy, and you may notice increased resistance.
  • Unbalanced Operation: If one spring breaks, the door may become unbalanced, causing it to tilt to one side. This imbalance can strain the opener and other components.
  • Loud Noise: A sudden and loud noise, often described as a “bang” or “snap,” may occur when a spring breaks. This noise is the sound of the tension releasing from the broken spring.
  • Gaps or Gaps Between Coils: Examine the springs for visible gaps or spaces between the coils. If you notice an irregular gap or separation, it indicates a broken spring.

Types of Garage Door Springs:

Garage doors typically use two main types of springs—torsion springs and extension springs. Understanding the type of springs your garage door has will help you identify potential issues.

  • Torsion Springs: Mounted horizontally above the garage door, torsion springs store energy by winding tightly. When the door is lifted, the springs unwind to assist in the lifting process. Torsion springs are common in modern garage door systems.
  • Extension Springs: Located on the sides of the door, extension springs stretch and contract to provide the necessary force for lifting. They are typically found in older garage door systems.

Visual Inspection:

Performing a visual inspection of the garage door springs is a key step in identifying potential issues. Follow these steps:

  • Close the Garage Door: Close the garage door completely to release tension on the springs.
  • Examine the Springs: Inspect both torsion and extension springs for any signs of damage, wear, or breakage. Look for gaps between coils, visible breaks, or rust.
  • Check for Hanging Cables: If you have torsion springs, check for any hanging or loose cables, as this may indicate a broken spring.

Test the Balance of the Door:

Testing the balance of the garage door can help identify issues with the springs. Follow these steps:

  • Disconnect the Opener: Disengage the automatic garage door opener by pulling the emergency release cord.
  • Lift the Door Manually: Attempt to lift the garage door manually. If the door is properly balanced, it should stay in place when lifted halfway. If it falls or rises, there may be an issue with the springs.

Listen for Unusual Sounds:

Pay attention to any unusual sounds when operating the garage door. A broken spring may produce a loud and distinct noise when breaking. If you hear a sudden “bang” or “snap,” it could indicate a broken spring.

Professional Inspection:

If you are uncertain about the condition of your garage door springs or encounter difficulties during the visual inspection, it is advisable to seek professional assistance. Garage door professionals have the expertise to safely assess and address spring issues.

Safety Precautions:

When dealing with garage door springs, prioritize safety by following these precautions:

  • Avoid DIY Repairs: Garage door spring replacement is a task best left to trained professionals. Attempting DIY repairs can lead to serious injuries and further damage.
  • Keep Clear of Springs: Never stand directly under the springs, and avoid touching or attempting to repair them yourself.
  • Secure the Area: Clear the area around the garage door and ensure that people and pets are kept at a safe distance during inspections or repairs.

Schedule Professional Repairs:

If you suspect a broken garage door spring or encounter any of the mentioned symptoms, it is crucial to schedule professional repairs promptly. Attempting to operate the door with a broken spring can lead to additional damage and safety risks.


Identifying a Garage Door Repair Coppell TX is essential for maintaining the safety and functionality of your garage door. By recognizing symptoms such as difficulty lifting the door, unbalanced operation, loud noises, and visual signs of damage, you can take the necessary steps to address the issue promptly. Performing a visual inspection, testing the balance of the door, and listening for unusual sounds are key components of identifying a broken spring. Remember to prioritize safety, avoid DIY repairs, and seek professional assistance for any issues related to garage door springs. Regular maintenance and prompt attention to spring issues contribute to the longevity and reliable performance of your garage door system.

Coppell Gates & Garage Doors

755 Blue Jay Ln, Coppell, TX 75019, United States


Why Can’t I Open my Garage Door? – Coppell Gates & Garage Doors

As a homeowner, I’ve always taken pride in my ability to handle various DIY projects around the house. Whether it’s fixing a leaky faucet, painting a room, or even assembling furniture, I’ve usually been able to tackle these tasks with relative ease. So, when I found myself standing in front of my garage door, struggling to open it, I was taken aback.

By following Garage Door Repair Coppell TX, I’ll share my personal journey of troubleshooting and understanding the reasons behind the frustrating question: “Why can’t I open my garage door?”

The Initial Confusion

It all started on a regular weekday morning. I had a busy day ahead, and I was looking forward to the convenience of hopping into my car and heading out. But as I pressed the button on my garage door opener, nothing happened. No comforting hum of the door’s movement, no gradual rise, just silence.

I tried not to panic immediately. It could have been a minor glitch, I thought. Maybe the batteries in the remote were dead, or there was a power outage. So, I attempted to open the garage door using the wall-mounted control panel. Again, nothing. The silence persisted, leaving me standing there, bewildered.

Step 1: Check the Obvious

In the initial moments of confusion, I decided to start with the most apparent culprits. Here’s what I did:

1. Battery Check: I examined the remote control and replaced the batteries, thinking that a dead remote might be the issue. Still, no response from the garage door.

2. Power Check: I checked the power supply to the garage. The lights inside the garage were working, so there wasn’t a power outage. It seemed like the issue was isolated to the garage door opener.

3. Wall Control Panel: I attempted to open the door using the wall-mounted control panel inside the garage. Once again, no movement. I was starting to get a bit anxious.

Step 2: A Quick Visual Inspection

With the basic checks complete and my frustration mounting, I decided to take a closer look at the garage door and its components. I knew a little about how the system worked, having performed basic maintenance tasks in the past. Here’s what I observed:

1. Garage Door Springs: I noticed that the springs above the door appeared intact. These springs play a crucial role in lifting the door, and if they break, it can prevent the door from moving.

2. Track Alignment: I examined the tracks on both sides of the garage door to ensure they were straight and aligned. Misaligned tracks can hinder the door’s movement, but everything looked fine.

3. Visual Inspection: I inspected the door itself for any obvious obstructions or damage. No visible obstacles were in the way, and the door didn’t appear to be damaged.

Step 3: Seeking Professional Assistance

With the obvious checks done and no apparent solutions, it was clear that I had reached the limits of my DIY troubleshooting abilities. It was time to seek professional help.

The Garage Door Technician’s Visit

I contacted a local garage door repair company, and they scheduled a technician to come and assess the situation. What I learned from the technician was enlightening and reaffirmed the importance of professional expertise.

Here’s what I discovered during the technician’s visit:

1. Safety First:

The technician emphasized the importance of safety when dealing with garage doors. Garage doors are heavy and can be dangerous to work on without the right knowledge and tools. He advised against attempting any further DIY solutions and cautioned me against using the door until it was fixed.

2. Garage Door Opener Examination:

The technician focused on the garage door opener. He quickly identified the problem – a burnt-out motor. The opener’s motor was responsible for moving the door, and it had given out.

3. Professional Tools and Equipment:

One of the significant differences I noticed was the array of professional tools the technician brought. He had specialized equipment for diagnosing and fixing garage door openers, which I could never have on hand.

4. Replacement and Testing:

The technician replaced the burnt-out motor with a new one. After the replacement, he conducted a series of tests to ensure the garage door was functioning correctly. The door was now opening and closing smoothly, just as it should.

5. Preventive Advice:

Before leaving, the technician provided some advice to prevent similar issues in the future. He recommended regular maintenance for the garage door opener and explained that simple tasks like lubrication and tightening loose bolts could extend the opener’s lifespan.

Understanding the Importance of Professional Help

My journey into troubleshooting the “Why can’t I open my garage door?” dilemma was a humbling experience. It highlighted the significance of professional help when dealing with complex systems like garage doors. The experience also revealed some key lessons:

1. Limitations of DIY: Garage door openers are intricate systems, and attempting DIY repairs without the proper knowledge and tools can lead to more significant issues or even safety hazards.

2. Professional Expertise: Garage door technicians have the expertise to diagnose and repair complex problems quickly and efficiently. They are trained to identify issues that might not be apparent to a homeowner.

3. Safety First: Garage doors are heavy, and safety should always be a priority. Professionals have the training and equipment to ensure a safe repair process.

4. Preventive Maintenance: Regular maintenance and professional inspections can help prevent issues before they become major problems. It’s a proactive approach that can save time and money in the long run.

In conclusion, according to Garage Door Repair Coppell TX, my quest to understand “Why can’t I open my garage door?” ultimately led me to the realization that some issues are best left in the hands of professionals. While DIY projects are commendable, there are times when the expertise and tools of a trained technician are indispensable. This experience has given me a new appreciation for the complexity of garage door systems and the value of professional assistance.

Coppell Gates & Garage Doors

755 Blue Jay Ln, Coppell, TX 75019, United States


How To Reset Remote For Liftmaster Garage Doors – Don and Son’s Garage Doors

Resetting a remote for LiftMaster Garage Door Repair Coppell TX is a practical process that allows you to reprogram the remote for various reasons, such as updating access codes, troubleshooting issues, or adding new remotes to your garage door system.

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of resetting a remote for LiftMaster garage doors, providing you with the knowledge to ensure secure and efficient access to your garage.

Understanding LiftMaster Remotes:

LiftMaster garage door remotes, also known as transmitters, are designed to wirelessly communicate with your garage door opener. These remotes use specific codes and frequencies to open and close the garage door. Resetting a LiftMaster remote involves clearing existing programming and reprogramming it with the desired settings.

Identifying the Type of LiftMaster Remote:

Before resetting the remote, identify the type of LiftMaster remote you have. LiftMaster offers a variety of remotes, including single-button remotes, multi-button remotes, keychain remotes, and visor clip remotes. Different remotes may have slightly different programming methods.

Locating the Learn or Program Button on the Opener:

Most LiftMaster garage door openers have a “Learn” or “Program” button on the motor unit. This button is typically located on the back or side of the motor unit. Consult your garage door opener’s user manual to locate this button.

Clearing Existing Programming:

Before reprogramming, it’s essential to clear any existing programming from the garage door opener. To do this, locate the “Learn” or “Program” button on the opener and press it. The indicator light on the motor unit will typically flash or turn on to indicate that it’s ready to learn new codes.

Determining the Programming Method:

LiftMaster remotes use a rolling-code technology, providing enhanced security. The programming process involves syncing the remote with the garage door opener unit. Follow these general steps:

  1. Press and Release the Learn Button:
    • Press and release the “Learn” or “Program” button on the garage door opener motor unit. The indicator light should illuminate.
  2. Press and Hold the Remote Button:
    • Within 30 seconds, press and hold the button on the LiftMaster remote that you want to program. Hold the button until the indicator light on the motor unit changes or blinks, indicating that the remote has been successfully programmed.
  3. Release the Remote Button:
    • Release the button on the remote.
  4. Test the Remote:
    • Test the programmed remote by pressing the button and observing the garage door’s response. Ensure that the door opens and closes as expected.
  5. Programming Additional Remotes (if needed):
    • If you have multiple remotes to program, repeat the programming process for each remote. Each remote will have its own unique code.

Consulting the User Manuals:

If you encounter difficulties during the reset process or if your specific LiftMaster garage door opener model has unique features, refer to both the garage door opener and remote user manuals. The manuals provide specific instructions tailored to your system and can offer troubleshooting tips for common issues.

Professional Assistance:

If you have followed the steps above and are still experiencing issues with resetting your LiftMaster garage door remote, or if you are uncomfortable with the process, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance. Garage door technicians have the expertise to diagnose and resolve complex problems with remote programming and can ensure that your garage door system operates seamlessly.


Resetting a remote for LiftMaster Garage Door Repair Coppell TX is a straightforward process that enhances the convenience of accessing your garage. By following these step-by-step instructions and consulting your user manuals, you can successfully reset your LiftMaster garage door remote and enjoy the convenience and peace of mind that comes with secure entry methods. Always prioritize safety and security, and seek professional help if needed.

Don and Son’s Garage Doors


How Do I Put My Garage Door Back On Track – Don and Son’s Garage Doors

Putting a Garage Door Repair Coppell TX is a task that can be done with some patience and attention to detail. A garage door can come off its track due to various reasons, such as an obstruction in the tracks, misalignment, or a damaged roller.

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll provide detailed instructions on how to put your garage door back on track, ensuring a safe and effective resolution to the issue.

1. Identify the Issue: Before attempting to put the garage door back on track, identify the cause of the problem. Inspect the tracks, rollers, and other components to determine if there are any visible obstructions, misalignments, or damage.

2. Disconnect the Power: For safety reasons, disconnect the power to the garage door opener. This may involve unplugging it from the electrical outlet or turning off the circuit breaker dedicated to the garage door opener.

3. Open the Door Manually: Lift the garage door manually by pulling the emergency release cord. This cord is usually red and hangs from the trolley of the automatic opener. Lifting the door manually will allow you to move it freely along the tracks.

4. Inspect the Tracks: Examine the tracks on both sides of the garage door for any debris, dirt, or obstructions. Clear away any items that may be blocking the path of the rollers. Ensure that the tracks are clean and free of any obstacles.

5. Check for Misalignments: Inspect the alignment of the tracks. The vertical tracks on each side of the door should be parallel and plumb. The horizontal tracks along the ceiling should also be level. If you notice any misalignments, use a level to correct them.

6. Tighten Loose Bolts and Brackets: Check for any loose bolts or brackets along the tracks. Tighten any that may have come loose, especially those securing the tracks to the wall or ceiling.

7. Examine the Rollers: Inspect the rollers on each side of the door. Look for any signs of damage, wear, or misalignment. If a roller is damaged or has come off the track, it may need to be replaced.

8. Place the Door on the Tracks: If the door has completely come off the tracks, carefully lift it back onto the tracks. Enlist the help of a second person if the door is heavy. Ensure that each roller is properly seated within the track.

9. Adjust Roller Height: If a roller appears misaligned, adjust its height by turning the adjustment screws on the brackets. This will help ensure that the door moves smoothly along the tracks.

10. Lubricate Moving Parts: Apply a lubricant to the moving parts of the garage door, including the rollers, tracks, and hinges. This helps reduce friction and ensures smooth operation.

11. Operate the Door Manually: Manually operate the garage door to check for smooth movement along the tracks. Open and close the door several times to confirm that it is back on track and functioning correctly.

12. Reconnect the Power: After confirming that the garage door is back on track and operating smoothly, reconnect the power to the garage door opener. Test the door using the automatic opener to ensure proper functionality.

13. Schedule Professional Inspection (Optional): If you are unsure about any aspect of the repair or if the door continues to experience issues, consider scheduling a professional inspection. Garage door technicians have the expertise to diagnose and address more complex problems.

Safety Considerations:

  • Always prioritize safety when working on a garage door. Use caution and wear appropriate protective gear.
  • If you are unsure about the repair process or encounter difficulties, seek professional assistance.
  • Avoid attempting repairs if the door is too heavy or if there are significant structural issues.


Putting a Garage Door Repair Coppell TX is a task that can be accomplished with careful attention to detail. By following these step-by-step instructions and addressing any underlying issues, you can restore your garage door to proper functionality. Regular maintenance, including periodic inspections and lubrication, can help prevent future track-related issues and ensure the smooth operation of your garage door.

Don and Son’s Garage Doors


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