Here’s my guide from Bedford Garage Door on how to rewire a garage door, step by step:

Before I start, I make sure to turn off the power to my garage door opener to avoid any potential electrical hazards. I unplug it from the wall and then remove the cover from the opener unit using a screwdriver.

I inspect the wiring inside the unit and notice that some of it is frayed and damaged, so I’ll need to replace those wires before I proceed.

I locate the wires that connect the opener to the wall switch and carefully disconnect them by loosening the screws that hold them in place. Then, I trace the wires from the opener to the wall switch, and remove the cover of the switch to access the wiring.

I disconnect the wires from the wall switch, being sure to loosen the screws that hold them in place without damaging the wires or connectors.

Since I’m replacing the wiring, I run the new wires from the opener to the wall switch, making sure to use the same gauge wire that was originally installed in the garage door opener.

I then connect the new wires to the opener by attaching them to the appropriate terminals. I attach the black wire to the “hot” or “line” terminal, and the white wire to the “neutral” or “ground” terminal.

Next, I connect the wires to the wall switch by attaching them to the appropriate terminals. I attach the black wire to the “common” or “hot” terminal, and the white wire to the “neutral” or “ground” terminal.

I test the garage door opener to make sure it’s functioning properly. I press the wall switch and hear the door opener running. I also test the remote control and confirm that it’s working as well.

Finally, I replace the cover on the opener unit and turn the power back on. Now, my garage door opener is rewired and functioning properly.

In summary, as per Bedford Garage Door, although rewiring a garage door opener is not too difficult, it’s important to be careful and follow all the steps correctly to avoid causing any electrical problems or injuries. If you’re not confident working with electricity, it’s always best to call a professional to help you out.

Bedford Overhead & Garage Door

2200 Airport Fwy Suite 555, Bedford, TX 76022
