Rewinding a Garage Door Repair cable is a task that requires careful attention and precision to ensure proper functioning of the door. It’s important to follow the necessary steps to avoid any accidents or damage.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to rewind a garage door cable:

  1. Safety First: Before starting any work on the garage door, make sure to disconnect the power supply to the door opener. This will prevent any accidental activation of the door while you are working on it.
  2. Prepare the Tools: Gather the necessary tools for the job, which typically include a pair of locking pliers, winding bars, a ladder, and gloves for hand protection.
  3. Identify the Problem: Determine the reason for rewinding the garage door cable. Common reasons include cable slippage, fraying, or if the cable has come off the drum.
  4. Release Tension: To begin the rewinding process, release the tension on the garage door spring. Start by clamping a pair of locking pliers onto the door track, just below the lowest roller. This will prevent the door from moving while you release the tension.
  5. Unwind the Cable: Locate the cable drum on the torsion spring shaft. It will be either on the left or right side, depending on the type of garage door setup. Use the winding bars to unwind the cable from the drum, turning it counterclockwise. Continue unwinding until the cable is completely loose.
  6. Inspect and Replace: While the cable is off the drum, inspect it thoroughly for any signs of damage or wear. If the cable is frayed, kinked, or showing signs of significant wear, it’s best to replace it with a new one to ensure safe and reliable operation.
  7. Wind the Cable: Once you have replaced the cable or determined it’s in good condition, it’s time to wind it back onto the drum. Start by inserting one end of the cable into the slot on the drum. Then, using the winding bars, begin turning the drum clockwise. Continue winding until the cable is tightly wrapped around the drum.
  8. Check Tension: After winding the cable, check the tension to ensure it is properly balanced. This is crucial for smooth door operation. Slowly release the pliers from the door track, allowing the door to close. If the door closes evenly and remains balanced, the tension is correct. If not, you may need to adjust the tension by winding or unwinding the cable slightly.
  9. Test the Door: Once you are satisfied with the tension, reconnect the power supply to the door opener. Test the garage door by opening and closing it a few times to ensure smooth operation. Pay close attention to any unusual noises or jerky movements that may indicate further adjustments are required.
  10. Regular Maintenance: To prevent future issues, it’s important to perform regular maintenance on your garage door. Lubricate all moving parts, including the cable, springs, hinges, and rollers, to keep them functioning properly.

Remember, if you are uncertain about any aspect of rewinding the garage door cable or if the job seems too complex, it is recommended to seek assistance from a professional Garage Door Repair technician. Your safety should always be the top priority when working with garage doors.

Acclaim Garage Doors

14148 N 80th Ln, Peoria, AZ 85381
