Garage Door Repair Bedford TX are these silent heroes, doing their job day in and day out. But what happens when the unsung hero—the garage door spring—decides to throw a tantrum? Well, that’s when life hits the brakes.

So, armed with a bit of courage and a handful of tools, I decided to take matters into my own hands and rewind my garage door spring.

Understanding My Garage Door Spring

First things first, I needed to figure out what type of spring I was dealing with. Torsion or extension? A quick Google search and a peek above the door revealed it was a torsion spring. Understanding the basics of how it worked was my first victory.

Signs of Trouble

The signs were there—unpleasant noises, a jerky door, and an overall reluctance to cooperate. Time to face the music and deal with the spring issue before it dealt with me.

Tools and Safety:

Winding bars, check. Clamp, check. Safety glasses, double-check. I wasn’t going into this battle unprepared. Safety first, they say, and I wasn’t about to argue with that.

Step-by-Step Adventure

1. Releasing Tension:

With winding bars in hand, I cautiously released the tension from the old spring. It felt like I was handling a ticking time bomb, but slow and steady won the race.

2. Removing the Old Spring:

Saying goodbye to the old spring was oddly emotional. It had served its time, but it was time for an upgrade.

3. Measuring Up:

Measurements were not my favorite part, but accuracy was key to ordering the right replacement. Length, inside diameter, wire size—I felt like a DIY detective.

4. Installing the New Spring:

Attaching the new spring felt like giving my garage door a new lease on life. I secured it in place, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

5. Winding Time:

Winding the spring was a dance of twists and turns. Following the manufacturer’s recommendations, I turned those winding bars like a pro.

6. Cables in Place:

Reattaching the cables was like connecting the dots. Everything had to align perfectly for the grand finale.

7. Testing the Waters:

With bated breath, I tested the door. Balanced, smooth, and without a hitch. Victory was sweet.

Common Mistakes I Dodged

Learning from others’ mistakes, I made sure not to skip safety measures, double-check my measurements, and take my sweet time through each step.

When to Call for Reinforcements

DIY is empowering, but knowing when to call in the cavalry is crucial. If uncertainty or discomfort creeps in, a professional’s touch can save the day.

Tips for a Happy Spring

Regular inspections and a dab of lubrication go a long way. It’s like giving your garage door spring a spa day—a little pampering for longevity.

Why DIY Rewinding Rocks

Saving some bucks, feeling like a home maintenance superhero, and fixing things on my schedule. DIY garage door spring rewinding isn’t just a task; it’s an adventure.


Sitting in my Garage Door Repair Bedford TX, looking at a smoothly operating door, and feeling like I just conquered a DIY mountain. It wasn’t just about fixing a spring; it was about proving to myself that I could handle the unexpected quirks of homeownership.

Bedford Gates & Garage Doors
