Restaining a wood Garage Door Repair Lantana TX is a rewarding and essential maintenance task that can enhance the curb appeal and longevity of your property. With proper preparation, careful execution, and the right tools, you can achieve professional-quality results.

Follow these steps to successfully restain your wood garage door:

Step 1: Gather Materials and Tools
Ensure you have all the necessary materials and tools before you begin:


  • Exterior wood stain
  • Wood cleaner or deck cleaner
  • Sandpaper (120-220 grit)
  • Paintbrushes or paint sprayer
  • Painter’s tape
  • Clean rags or towels
  • Plastic sheeting or drop cloths


  • Screwdriver or drill (for removing hardware)
  • Sanding block or electric sander
  • Safety goggles and gloves
  • Respirator mask (if using a paint sprayer)

Step 2: Prepare the Area

  • Park any vehicles away from the garage door to create a safe and unobstructed workspace.
  • Lay plastic sheeting or drop cloths on the ground to protect against drips and spills.

Step 3: Remove Hardware

  • Using a screwdriver or drill, carefully remove any hardware such as handles, hinges, and locks from the garage door. This ensures an even application of stain.

Step 4: Clean the Surface

  • Mix wood cleaner or deck cleaner with water according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Scrub the garage door’s surface using a stiff brush or scrub pad to remove dirt, grime, and any old stain or finish.
  • Rinse thoroughly with clean water and allow the door to dry completely.

Step 5: Sanding

  • Gently sand the entire surface of the garage door using sandpaper (starting with a coarser grit like 120 and gradually moving to a finer grit like 220). This removes any remaining old stain, evens out the wood, and provides a smooth surface for the new stain to adhere to.
  • Wipe away the sanding dust using a clean rag.

Step 6: Masking

  • Use painter’s tape to cover any areas adjacent to the garage door that you don’t want to stain, such as trim, windows, or adjacent walls.

Step 7: Apply the Stain

  • Stir the wood stain thoroughly before applying to ensure consistent color.
  • Using a paintbrush or a paint sprayer, apply a thin and even coat of stain to the entire garage door, working with the wood grain.
  • If using a paint sprayer, ensure even coverage and avoid excessive buildup in any areas.

Step 8: Allow the Stain to Penetrate

  • Allow the first coat of stain to penetrate the wood for about 15-20 minutes (or as recommended by the stain manufacturer).
  • Wipe off any excess stain with a clean rag. This helps prevent uneven color and excess buildup.

Step 9: Apply Additional Coats

  • Depending on the desired depth of color, apply additional coats of stain, allowing each coat to dry according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Two or three coats are generally sufficient to achieve the desired look.

Step 10: Drying and Reassembly

  • Allow the final coat of stain to dry thoroughly, which may take several hours to a day, depending on weather conditions.
  • Once dry, reattach the hardware to the garage door using the screwdriver or drill.

Step 11: Clean Up

  • Dispose of used rags and brushes according to local regulations.
  • Properly clean any paint sprayer equipment used.

Restaining a wood Garage Door Repair Lantane TX requires patience and attention to detail, but the results are well worth the effort. Regular maintenance and occasional restaining will help protect your garage door from the elements and maintain its appearance for years to come.

Lantana Gates & Garage Doors

1180 Central Way, Lantana, TX 76226, United States
