As a homeowner, I have had to deal with a squeaky garage door in the past. It’s not only annoying but can also be a sign of a bigger problem.

Here’s how I fixed the squeaky garage door at home according to Temple Garage Door:

  1. Inspect the door: The first step I take is to inspect the door for any visible signs of wear and tear. I check the rollers, hinges, tracks, and springs to identify the cause of the squeak.
  2. Apply lubricant: Once I have identified the cause of the squeak, I apply a lubricant to the affected areas. I prefer to use silicone-based lubricant as it is long-lasting and does not attract dust or debris.
  3. Test the door: After applying the lubricant, I test the door to see if the squeak has been resolved. If not, I repeat the process and apply more lubricant until the squeak is gone.
  4. Tighten loose hardware: Loose hardware is a common cause of a squeaky garage door. If I notice any loose bolts, nuts, or screws, I tighten them to ensure a secure fit. This can also help prevent any additional squeaks that may occur.
  5. Replace worn parts: If the squeak persists even after applying lubricant and tightening any loose hardware, it may be time to replace worn parts. Worn rollers, hinges, or tracks can cause squeaks that are difficult to fix with lubricant alone. I can purchase replacement parts from a local hardware store or contact a professional garage door technician for assistance.
  6. Clean the door: Dirt and debris can also cause a squeaky garage door. If I notice any buildup on the door, I clean it thoroughly with soap and water or a mild detergent. Once the door is clean, I can apply lubricant to ensure it moves smoothly.

By following these simple steps from Temple Garage Door, I was able to fix the squeaky garage door at home without having to call a professional. Regular maintenance, such as lubrication and tightening of loose hardware, can also help prevent future squeaks from occurring

Temple Garage Doors & Gate

Temple, TX
